These correspondences may be useful in determining how to represent each element in ritual. They can also be useful in gaining a better understanding of the nature of each element and what it represents.
Elementals: Sylphs
Elemental Ruler: Paralda
Direction: East
Color: Yellow
Season: Spring
Time of day: Dawn
Symbols: Feather, Incense, Wand, Oils
Some things associated with the element of Air:
Memory, Thoughts, New beginnings, Finding Lost items, truth, weather
Some Herbs Associated with the element of Air:
clover, lavender mistletoe, meadowsweet, sage
Type of energy: Masculine
Wind: East wind
Zodiac signs ruled by Air: Libra, Gemini, Aquarius
Power of magus: Nocere, To Know
Elemental: Firedrakes
Elemental Ruler: Dijin
Direction South
Color: Red
Season: Summer
Time of Day: Noon
Symbols: Candle, Sword, Athame, Incense Burner
Some Things associated with the element of fire:
Energy, Passion, Action, Protection,
Some Herbs Associated with the element of Fire:
Cinnamon, Pepper, Ginger, Garlic, Basil, Cedar, Rosemary
Type of energy: Masculine
Wind: South Wind
Zodiac Signs ruled By Fire:
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Power of Magus: Audere, To Dare
Elementals: Nymphs, Undines
Elemental ruler: Niksa
Direction: West
Color: Blue
Season: Autumn
Time of day: Dusk
Symbols: Chalice, Goblet, Cauldron, Mirror
Some things associated with water: Emotions, friendship, dreams
Some Herbs associated with The element of water:
Jasmine, Gardenia, Rose, yarrow, Irish Moss, sandalwood
Type Of energy: feminine
Wind: West wind
Zodiac symbols ruled by water: Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces
Power Of Magus: Velle, To will
Elemental: Gnomes
Elemental Ruler: Ghob
Direction: North
Color: Green
Season: Winter
Time Of day: Midnight
Symbols: Salt, Stones, Herbs, Cords
Some things associated with the element of earth: Protection, Prosperity, Stability
Some Herbs associated with the element of Earth: Fern, Vervain, Primrose, Mugwort,
Type Of Energy: Feminine
Wind: North wind
Zodiac Symbols ruled by Earth: Virgo, Taurus Capricorn
Power Of magus: Tacere, to be silent