Some spells work perfectly and others don’t seem to work at all. At times, it can be very frustrating when we don’t get the results we want or need. There are some things you can do to increase the chances of a successful working.
The first thing you must do is think positive. Realize that as long as you aren’t harming
anyone else, or taking something that isn’t yours, then you deserve the things you want
and need. Some people have been programmed by other religions to believe that suffering
is good for the soul and it is wrong and selfish to do things for yourself. If one expects to
achieve any degree of success magickally, these ideas need to be discarded.
Physical well-being is important. Spellwork can be hindered by illness or fatigue, the same
way your everyday activities can be
I think it’s best to practice regularly. Certain skills necessary for spells, such as
visualization and concentration, work best if exercised on a regular basis. Also, the more
you practice, the better you become at recognizing what works for you and what doesn’t,
and what works best for particular types of situations.
Use the appropriate astrological, and lunar correspondences if possible This means, the
correct moon phase, moon sign, planetary hour, etc. Everything does not always have to
correspond perfectly, but it does help.
Clean and Consecrate all ritual items. Some people say this should be done once a month.
I personally think it is best done on both the new moon and the full moon. Don’t allow
other people to handle your ritual items and don’t use them for everyday things. If
someone does handle your ritual items, cleanse and consecrate them before using them
Don’t talk about your spells! There is absolutely no reason to talk about your spells and
talking about them opens them to the negative thought of others.
Do it, then forget about it. Thinking about it too much might encourage doubt and
negativity about the success of the working. Also dispose of everything leftover from a
working, (candle wax, ashes, cords, etc.)unless you plan to carry it with you as a part of
the spells. You can dispose of it by using the element corresponding to what you need:
burn bury, cast in water, etc. or if you have no other options, you can dispose of it in the